The role of educational policies in the formation of tolerant attitudes and behavior


  • З. Исмагамбетова Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi
  • А. Карабаева Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi
        29 17


Article is devoted to the role of the tolerance factor in the educational environment. In the article conclusions
about the ethical, cognitive, humanistic, axiological, social, cultural, communicative potential of the principle of
tolerance for education are made. For educational system tolerance is important as a condition of intercultural
communication, disclosure of the semantic relations in society, the development of moral values, which determine
the nature and impact of social, cultural and spiritual activity of man as a subject of cultural ties and social
relations. Social tolerance and «methodological» point of view is considered mainly from the standpoint of the
priority of spiritual, ethical component. In the article the authors drew attention to the infl uence of media culture,
media technologies and the role of education in the formation of a tolerant environment, tolerant outlook.
Key words: tolerance, morals, values, culture, civilization, society, spirituality, communication,
education, person, globalization, media-culture




How to Cite

Исмагамбетова, З., & Карабаева, А. (2018). The role of educational policies in the formation of tolerant attitudes and behavior. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 47(2), 12–22. Retrieved from