Principle of tolerance in kazakh аnd turkic akyn- zhyrau’s work


  • Д. С. Дариябек
  • С. Е. Нұрмұратов
        49 31


tolerance, akyns and zhyrau, kindness, spirituality.


Today in Kazakhstan focuses on the spiritual education of the historical
traditions. Especially the principle of tolerance has become a fundamental
aspect of moral education. Great poets who stand at the origins
of literary art Abai, Shakarim, Maylykozha, Budabay even in their difficult
times sang of the unity of peoples. Also in the works of the Turkish poets
and Shaiyr there are many reasons about the importance of tolerance. In
particular, in his writings eastern poets Maulana Rumi, Zhunis Amire perceived
tolerance important part of religion. Thus, the continuity of unanimity
passed on from the older generation to the younger. It has laid down
the foundation of a common mentality and outlook of the Turkic peoples.
In this article we consider the principle of tolerance in the works of Kazakh
and Turkish akyns-zhyrau.


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How to Cite

Дариябек, Д. С., & Нұрмұратов, С. Е. (2015). Principle of tolerance in kazakh аnd turkic akyn- zhyrau’s work. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from