Aesthetics of symbols in the culture of the Turks and their existential-meaning-life basis


  • А. А. Рыскиева Zhetysu state university named after I. Zhansugurov
  • А. А. Куранбек Zhetysu state university named after I. Zhansugurov
  • Б. М. Аташ Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Н. М. Таттибек Kazakh national medical university named after S. D. Asfendiyarov
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The authors, making a review of the symbols of Turkic culture and studying the sources and ideological bases of its origin, analyze vitally-practical aspects of Turkic culture. Examines the values of numbers in a symbolic reflection of the worldview of ancient Turkic peoples, artistic creative vision of the world in a numerical sense. Is defined threefold vertical structure of the world in religious beliefs, ancient legends and suggests ideas inner essence of this hierarchical system. Shown ethical and aesthetic aspects of
these ideas. The article, based on a review of one of the ontological characters of ancestors depicting the
world – a sacred tree, are disclosed various forms of understanding. Since the «tree of peace» refers to the
greatness and ontologi-anthropological value of a single tree in the valley, which has survived since the
ancient era. Further, it is considered mystical-mythological and symbolic-aesthetic meaning of beginning
of mountains, which is associated with «balbaltas». Finale, authors come to the conclusion that the set of
symbols of the individual elements of ancient Turkic worldview is a holistic view of the world.
Key words: mythology of the Turks, traditional worldview of the Turks, Turk`s culture, archetype, symbol, sacredness, aesthetics.


How to Cite

Рыскиева, А. А., Куранбек, А. А., Аташ, Б. М., & Таттибек, Н. М. (2018). Aesthetics of symbols in the culture of the Turks and their existential-meaning-life basis. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 60(2), 58–68. Retrieved from