Role of process of secularization and postsecularization in religious space


  • Қ. Т. Туганбаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        58 23


At this article we have looked to the one of the most actual contemporary problem –postsecularization. This term had opened by German scientist – Urgen Habermass. Postsecularization connected with power enhance processes of religion in people’s life. Urgen Habermass noted that the term should be used only to society which had been securalated. Some religious scholars think that postsecuralated society is realy new stage in the mankind’s life, which came after securalated community. Others have seen postsecuralated society as a part of secularizated ideology. This is about dialogue between religious and secular life. So, there are role of social institutions and communities have been grown-up. It is clear, that in Kazakhstani religious deficit of scientific works about postsecularization.
Key words: postsekura, desekularization, desacralarion, postmodern, secularization, intergration, disintegration, confession, pluralism, religious, atheism, quasi-religion, pseudo-religion.




How to Cite

Туганбаев, Қ. Т. (2018). Role of process of secularization and postsecularization in religious space. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 56(2), 239–245. Retrieved from