J-F. Lyotard: post-modern knowledge and science


  • С. Ж. Еділбаева
  • А. Рамазанова
        110 64


Lyotard, postmodernism, postmodern knowledge post¬modern science education.


The article considers the postmodern knowledge and science J.F. Lyotard. The authors give a comprehensive analysis of Lyotard's ideas about scientific knowledge. In modern society, the function of knowledge has changed. Knowledge becomes a commodity character. In modern sci­ence, attention is directed to scientific knowledge.

Lyotard points out that scientific knowledge is not the only form of knowledge, and there, along with other forms of knowledge. It provides an analysis of "narrative knowledge". Postmodern science is considered, in the sense of the late Ludwig Wittgenstein, "language game." Postmodern knowledge is directed to pluralism.


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How to Cite

Еділбаева, С. Ж., & Рамазанова, А. (2015). J-F. Lyotard: post-modern knowledge and science. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 53(4). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/218