Influence of Shakarim‘s work „Catechism of Muslims“ on the political and social development of Kazakhs at the beginning of the XX century


  • Smagulov N.A. Nur-Mubarak University of islamic culture

        45 105


The work of Shakarim Kudaiberdievich “Catechism of Muslims” is one of the first works written in
the Kazakh language at the beginning of the 20th century, covering the three main doctrines of Islamic
Sharia – “Akida” (Islamic faith), «Fikh» (Islamic law), «Akhlak» (Islamic morality). The writing of this work
coincided with one of the most difficult periods for the Kazakh people. This was due to the baptismal
policy of the tsarist government to rule the Kazakh steppes, alienating people from their religion and
language. To this can be added the low level of literacy among the Kazakh people. Of course, it was not
in vain that the work on Islamic Sharia came out at that time. It is known that the reason for writing this
work was the political, social, economic and spiritual situation of people at that time. The importance of
studying our topic is obvious here.
The main purpose of the article is to determine the contribution to the development of the Kazakh
people by studying the reasons for writing the work «Catechism of Muslims». The article examines the
history and reasons for writing the work of Shakarim Kudaiberdievich «Muslim catechesis». The most
important aspects of this work for the Kazakh people are considered. The research included content and
thematic analysis of historical data, archives, articles collected on this topic. Decomposition, selection,
hermeneutics, descriptive methods were used to achieve the research objectives. This article is important
because it leads to the collection of evidence and data from similar research on this topic.
Key words: Shakarim, colonialism, politics, religion, Kazakh, development, influence.




How to Cite

N.A., S. (2021). Influence of Shakarim‘s work „Catechism of Muslims“ on the political and social development of Kazakhs at the beginning of the XX century. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 74(4), 94–106.