Immateriality of the first being in the al-Farabi's metaphysics


  • Tuleubekov A. International Information Technologies University
  • Meirbayev B. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Doskozhanova A. International Information Technologies University

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This article reveals the non-material nature of the First Existence in the metaphysical system of Abu
Nasr al-Farabi. The purpose of this analysis is to describe the evidence base that al-Farabi gives in order
to identify the immateriality of the First Being. The system of argumentation of the immateriality of the
First Being is part of the description of the perfection of the First Being, which al-Farabi presents within
the framework of general cosmology. Justifying immateriality, al-Farabi basically follows the Aristotelian
interpretation. However, he added a lot from the worldview of the Neoplatonists. As you know, the
Neoplatonists paid great attention to emanation. According to the Neoplatonists, the Supreme Reason
exists everywhere, and He is eternal in time. Al-Farabi borrowed this idea from the Neoplatonists, thanks
to which he expanded his cosmology. In this regard, al-Farabi is a universal interpreter who synthesized
the view of the Peripatetics and Neoplatonists into a single metaphysical system. At the same time, al-
Farabi created his own cosmological system. It contains both the ideas of ancient and medieval Islamic
scholars and their own vision of heavenly metaphysics. For a deep understanding of the nature of bodily
substances, al-Farabi divided the heavenly structure into two levels. The first level – above moon – covers
the ontology of the First Being and the sphere of celestial intellects. The second level – sublunary –
describes everything that is in the sphere of the Earth. Thus, the idea of the immaterial nature of the First
Being is an important part of his deep metaphysical system.
Key words: the First Being, metaphysics, material world, intangible nature.




How to Cite

A., T., B., M., & A., D. (2021). Immateriality of the first being in the al-Farabi’s metaphysics. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 74(4), 21–31.