Electronic government services and corruption risks: correlation


  • Sheryazdanova G.R. S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University
  • Abdildina H.S. S.Seifullin Kazakh Agro Technical University


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The proposed article is a continuation of the theme of e-government as a tool to combat corruption.
Unfortunately, corruption is a phenomenon that deeply rooted in Kazakhstan and the fight against
it is one of the priority tasks of modern Kazakhstani policy. E-government, allowing citizens to contact
government bodies via the Internet, eliminates officials, reducing risks of corruption, and ensuring transparency
and accountability. Also, electronic communications suggest a transition from a hierarchical
management system to a network one, with the establishment of horizontal communications of citizens
with government and management bodies, which reduces the gap between citizens and the state. In
general, the development of e-government is an important factor in socio-political modernization and
improving the country’s economic competitiveness. E-government is a new paradigm of public administration,
replacing the traditional, paper, bureaucratic paradigm.
Kazakhstan is a recognized leader in the development of e-government in Central Asia. The aim of
the article is a comparative analysis of the development of e-government in the post-Soviet space on the
example of Estonia and Georgia, as well as considering the correlation between the e-government and
the reduction of corruption risks in Kazakhstan.
Key words: e-government, good governance, corruption, transparency, accountability, bureaucracy,




How to Cite

G.R., S., & H.S., A. (2020). Electronic government services and corruption risks: correlation. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 72(2), 109–119. https://doi.org/10.26577/jpcp.2020.v72.i2.12