Models of Almaty museums and their role in preserving and broadcasting the cultural heritage of the people


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One of the urgent tasks of cultural research is the definition of models of museums for the preservation
of cultural heritage in modern Kazakhstan society. This theoretical and methodological task
becomes especially biased in the face of the manifestation of negative methods and forms of oblivion,
blurring and deformation, critical denial of historical and cultural memory, which are observed in some
countries with respect to a number of historical events of the 20th century, and attempts to reinterpret
In this article, the authors set the task of substantiating museum models in preserving and broadcasting
the cultural heritage of the people as an institutionalized form of historical and cultural memory. The
need for cultural studies of this theoretical task is due to many sociocultural factors. Among them, the
complex process of modernization of Kazakhstan society should be noted. In this regard, studying the
models of the Almaty museums and their role in preserving the cultural memory of the people, understanding
the accumulated work experience becomes an engaged task, since in the conditions of modernization
of Kazakhstan society and the actualization of the role of multimedia technologies, it is necessary
to determine the ways of presenting the domestic cultural heritage and domain in a new format.
Key words: cultural heritage, cultural memory, historical memory, museum, Almaty museum, museum
business, museum functions, museum models.




How to Cite

S., K., Z., I., & A., K. (2020). Models of Almaty museums and their role in preserving and broadcasting the cultural heritage of the people. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 72(2), 62–68.