Non-Traditional Religions as a threat to National Security in the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Z. Shaukenova Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee of science Institute of philosophy and political science
  • Sh. Zhandossova Kazakh national university named after al-Farabi
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Abstrast. The Basic Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan declared a secular state in which the highest values
are recognized a person's life, rights and freedoms, including freedom of conscience, which can only be limited
when their exercise violates the rights and freedoms of other persons, infringe on the constitutional order and
public morality. The country is fl ooded with various kinds of missions, previously unknown in Kazakhstan.
An increase in inter-religious tensions caused by the struggle for inclusion in the numbers of new supporters.
Contributes to the exacerbation of active work in the country of foreign agents, which, with its considerable
fi nancial resources and extensive experience in missionary work, often pushing aside the traditional religions
in Kazakhstan in the struggle for infl uence over the faithful. Although sectarian confl ict so far, as a rule, do
not lead to any anti-social acts, appearing mainly in the criticism of his rivals as «false prophets» in the prayer
meetings, in public utterances of the clergy, the very intensity of it is quite alarming symptom. By itself, nonideological
religion does not pose a security risk. As the former chairman of the KNB Nurtai Abykayev in the
Republic, the number of foreign religious missions, visiting the Republic in order to spread the religious and
mystical teachings and create conditions for confl ict on religious and ethnic basis.




Как цитировать

Shaukenova, Z., & Zhandossova, S. (2019). Non-Traditional Religions as a threat to National Security in the Republic of Kazakhstan. ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Философия, саясаттану және Мәдениеттану, 38(1), 3–7. вилучено із