The notion of sect and its classifi cation


  • K. M. Borbasova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ
        58 522


. This article is about defi ning the notion of sects and its classifi cation. Author before defi ning the word “sect” gives us main defi nition of word “religion” and its divisions. Sect is the church in the church, which was found in the walls of church and then splited up. Article deals with the defi ning of word sect, and its etymology is given through the text. Names of outstanding scientists were listed who made researches in this sphere, like R. Niebuhr, G. Becker, Webber and Trelitch. Also it gives us the grouping of American scientist B.Wilson and his peculiarities of sects. He also gives us classifi cation of Christian religious societies which is said to be sects. Article also shows the features of non-traditional religion. Author analysis a number of works and comes out with its result: common things of sects, its purposes, differences from church. Then the list of requirements defi ning a community as a sect in some countries is given in the end of the article. Article opens its theme and gives us clear defi nition and classifi cation of a “sect”.




How to Cite

Borbasova, K. M. (2019). The notion of sect and its classifi cation. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 38(1), 88–91. Retrieved from