Features and distribution of medieval philosophical thought in Western Europe


  • N. J. Baitenova Əл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті, Қазақстан, Алматы қ
        49 394


The given article is devoted to main stages of development and features of west European Medieval philosophy. Medieval philosophy encompasses the period between 5-15 centuries, with the end of Roman Empire and ends with the age of Renaissance. During this time in Europe, the feudal relations formed and Christianity became the main infl uence on all spheres of public life. Due to the development of Medieval philosophy coincided with the establishment of feudal relations religious ideology became dominant in society. The characteristic feature of this period is the lack of pure philosophy, all the considered issues were directly related to the Christian ideas.  On the base of analyses of main stages of development of Western European philosophy following conclusions might stem: despite the fact that it developed only in one-sided direction, etc, its religious-ideological character, within the frame of given philosophical thought there were set a range of issues they tried to answer. Western European philosophy is considered as self-reliant, taking a special place in the system of world philosophical thought and exerting infl uence on its development. 




How to Cite

Baitenova, N. J. (2019). Features and distribution of medieval philosophical thought in Western Europe. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 38(1), 67–73. Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/953