Speech Crisis and Speech Psychoprogramming


  • L. Kim Al-Farabi kazakh national university
        31 90


The article is dedicated to an actual problem of modern linguistic space, speech crisis. This phenomenon is becoming a token of our
times and is manifested in the so-called speech anarchy, when one can see breach of norms and rules of the speech etiquette.
Speech unites people by creating a unifi ed linguistic space, in which an individual socializes. Internal potential of a person, level of
cultural development and creativity open out in the speech itself.
Speech anarchy has a bad impact on a person and society, in general. In search for protection measures in fi ghting this phenomenon,
it is possible to resort to neuro-linguistic programming. NLP offers specifi c technologies that allow to purposefully structure the process
of speech communication in reaching effectiveness of interpersonal communication and understanding. Management of speech is a
great art to be learned.




How to Cite

Kim, L. (2019). Speech Crisis and Speech Psychoprogramming. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 38(1), 35–39. Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/923