The theory of «nasikh» in the writings of Husamuddin al-Siganak


  • Қ. Құрманбаев Nur-Mubarak islamic university of culture
        28 99


Everyone is familiar with the fact that for a society in which a particular religion only began to emerge and for
the society in which religious views reached its heights, presentation to the path of religion and ways to strengthen
Sharia law will not be the same. Excellent wisdom and absolute knowledge of the Creator encompassing all
things, in cases of necessity some sharia rules might be changed from previous sharia norms to benefi t mankind.
This phenomenon is known in the Shari’ah on the terms «Nasikh» and «mansukh». This article discusses the
theory of «Nasikh» in the writings of the famous medieval theologian , a lawyer and linguist of Kazakh steppes
Husamuddin al-Siganak and issues of Nasikh legal norms in religious texts on the transformation of society and
Key words: Husamuddin as-Sygnaki, islam, nasikh, mansukh, law, religious text.




How to Cite

Құрманбаев, Қ. (2018). The theory of «nasikh» in the writings of Husamuddin al-Siganak. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 47(2), 75–84. Retrieved from