Immanuel Kant: about an everlasting peace


  • A. K. Abisheva
        128 514


In article the developed by I.Kant idea of the cosmopolitan law and order by projection of the standard maintenance of democratic citizenship and human rights from national to the international level is analyzed. Kant supposed achievement of an everlasting peace through transition and interrelation, three-unity, including: the state citizenship of people as a part of the people, international law of the states in their relation to each other and the right of the world citizenship. The best analog for construction of the world community which is based on norms of public law, by Kant, is the republican device most corresponding to principles of the pure right and a general principle of freedom. Transformation of international law to the cosmopolitan right as the right of the individuals who are carriers of the rights of citizens of the world – subjects of international law was revolutionary idea of the Kant. He has created the project of League of the Nations, called to develop the peace and safety bill all over the world and protection of human rights. According to J.Habermas, the modern international organization embodying idea of I.Kant about the congress of the states, building relations in the peacemaking purposes, is the United Nations Organization which has carried out the Kantian project of voluntary League of the Nations, developing it in a direction of transition from international to the cosmopolitan right. He considers problems of activity of the UNO in modern conditions of globalization. Keywords: state citizenship, international law, world citizenship, democracy, public law, human rights, freedom, cosmopolitan right, an everlasting peace, safety, United Nations Organization, globalization.




How to Cite

Abisheva, A. K. (2018). Immanuel Kant: about an everlasting peace. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 42(1), 13–19. Retrieved from