That shifting concept of globalization. To the analysis of defi nitions of globalization


  • B. G. Nurzhanov Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
        35 53


The article considers defi nitions of globalization given by different representatives of the theory of globalization. Different classifi cations of defi nitions are exemplifi ed as presented by investigators. The critical analysis of some of them is given. The author proposes his own classifi cation as follows: economical, technological, political, cultural. Preference is given to the cultural defi nitions of globalization which are considered in more details. The most characteristic traits of globalization are earmarked as seen in cultural approach. The author sees them as: complex connectivity of contemporary world and its awareness by peoples, mediatization and rapid growth of mass communications, transformations of time and space (their compression, the appearance of the space of fl oods), deterritorialization or “disembedding”.  Keywords:  globalization, economics, culture, space, time, mass communication, deterritorialization, space of fl oods7




How to Cite

Nurzhanov, B. G. (2018). That shifting concept of globalization. To the analysis of defi nitions of globalization. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 42(1), 3–12. Retrieved from