Philosophy of exhibition Аstana ЭКСПО- 2017 is a project «Energy of the future»


  • Р. С. Сартаева
        28 20


«energy of the future», «green economy», ecological outlook, power ecological development, power ecological strategy, energy efficiency, power technologies, steady ecodevelopment.


In article it is noted that in successful realization of modernization
most important tasks necessary for our country so-called breakthrough
projects which main feature is that they cover areas of the most different
phenomena of culture can play a big role. To such projects, according
to the author of article, it is possible to carry the exhibition opening in
2017 in Kazakhstan ASTANA EXPO-2017. It is claimed that it is possible
to call the Energy of the Future project declared as the main subject of
the forthcoming exhibition philosophy ASTANA EXPO-2017 as this largescale
comprehensive project demands, respectively, the deepest, broad,
integrated approach to the world and the person in it, that is philosophical


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How to Cite

Сартаева, Р. С. (2015). Philosophy of exhibition Аstana ЭКСПО- 2017 is a project «Energy of the future». Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from