Value Foundations of Globalization


  • А. К. Абишева Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
        32 21


globalization, freedom, values, science, technique


In the article actual problems of human being, freedom and values of man in globalization conditionsare considered. There the idea about the globalization mustn't change from mean to the self in itself and to higher and single value of manis grounded. Because the essence base of man - his freedom, self-determination, creation and choice of values sup­poses the diversity of ways of developing, pluralism of values and based on this fundament unique, individuality of both every individual and origi­nal culture. Process of globalization is considered as being manifestation or expression of certain values and corresponding to them purposes, in particular,aspiration to domination, not as the natural-historical process developing irrespective of the human. Processes of technologization and informatization of all fields of activity of human being, developing a ten­dency of a distance and a separation from concrete motives, the purposes and vital values of individuals, turn into abstract end in itself that leads to formalization of all ways of human activity and thinking. Author is guided by ideas of E. Kant, M. Heidegger, E. Agazzi, J. Habermas.


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How to Cite

Абишева, А. К. (2015). Value Foundations of Globalization. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from