Socio-cultural aspects of innovations and innovational activity


  • А. Г. Карабаева
  • З. Н. Исмагамбетова
        25 19


society, culture, innovation, innovative activity, science, innovative economy, technopark, education, university, modernisation.


The article is devoted to social-philosophical and cultural-philosophical
analysis of the phenomenon of innovation and innovative activities.
Article considers questions and problems of development of innovations
and innovative activity in modern society, regularity and forms of improvement,
development of the most important spheres of innovative activity,
and also some criteria and characteristics of innovations. Authors of the
article draw a conclusion about need of research social and cultural determinants
of innovations, about system nature of innovative activity and
policy of its meanings, and modernizations of all spheres of human activity
and dynamic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Карабаева, А. Г., & Исмагамбетова, З. Н. (2015). Socio-cultural aspects of innovations and innovational activity. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from