Aesthetic dimensions of contemporaneity: social body and perspectives of its representation


  • А. Г. Карабаева
  • Н. А. Антонова
        26 21


social body, practices of representation, social imaginary, aesthetic.


The article considers situations of contemporary social context construction:
roles and mechanisms of social body representations, cases of
representative practices in context of social relations, as well as temporal
and spatial continuums of social body are reviewed. Social body involved
in process of social imaginary formation turns out to be an occurrence of
perception, comprehension, interpretation and transformation of common,
individual consciousness and being. Identifying the cohesion of singular
and collective body experience through notions of image and medium, we
explicate aesthetic as an inevitable part of social body.


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How to Cite

Карабаева, А. Г., & Антонова, Н. А. (2015). Aesthetic dimensions of contemporaneity: social body and perspectives of its representation. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from