Heroic female images in «The book of my grandfather Korkud»


  • Г. Ж. Есмагулова
  • Р. К. Жусупова
        82 37


ancient powerful fairy tale, Turkic heroic epos, «a female subject» as history of powerful maidens and history of «the captured woman», «crying» of women, the woman – «with – the ruler» and the keeper of the family center. 


The «female history» described in a written monument of medieval
Turkic culture «The book of my grandfather Korkud» is given in the article.
Alongside with history of wars and attacks of sultans and leaders of tribes
of oguz «The female history» is represented in it as well. The image of the
powerful maiden, known in the powerful fairy tale and the heroic epos,
is represented as a female ideal of the nomadic and semi-nomadic Turkic
people. The evolution of a female image reflected in legends, legends and
myths of the Turkic people is traced in the article. Archaism of a female
image of ancient stories of the Turkic people is emphasized in this publication.
Realistic character of a female ideal of the epos of Turkic peoples
at the time of the storyteller’ life and musician – Korkut-At is traced in the
article on materials of the epos of oguz, historical sources and scientific
publications. The female ideal of the epos of oguz is caused by a way of
life of Turkic peoples in which war was «honourable occupation», «some
kind of sport», this fact is noted in the article.


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How to Cite

Есмагулова, Г. Ж., & Жусупова, Р. К. (2015). Heroic female images in «The book of my grandfather Korkud». Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/62