Spirituality problem in philosophical outlook of Shakarim


  • Б. Қ. Елубаев
  • А. Х. Рамазанова
        50 32


Soul, honor, spirituality, conscience, reason, science, religion. Soul, religion.


In this article considered the problem of spirituality in the philosophy
of the first professional Kazakh philosopher Shakarim. Shakarim appears at
us as the unique phenomenon of a philosophical reflection in which theological
representations, syncretism and mysticism, front lines scientific and
anthropological knowledge are combined. The main subject of philosophizing
of Shakarim is the person, to it spiritual searches and reflections of
the thinker are reduced. The philosopher painfully looks for a way of formation
of the person spiritual, this purpose is defined by it the main maintenance
of a human ekzistention. Shakarim defines essence of the person,
his nature and appointment in knowledge, and first of all in knowledge of
truth that is the acquired quality of the person. The knowledge of truth isn’t
limited to purely rational knowledge as except scientific knowledge are
necessary penetration of the moral beginning, knowledge of virtue here.


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How to Cite

Елубаев, Б. Қ., & Рамазанова, А. Х. (2015). Spirituality problem in philosophical outlook of Shakarim. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/61