The traditional values of the Kazakh people and innovation at the junction of civilization


  • Б. Е. Молдағалиев Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университеті
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Шығыс пен Батыс, мәдениет, құндылық, салт-дәстүр, бірегейлілік, өркениет.


In this article, social cognition is always in inseparable connection with the values, cognition components myrrh. Empirical examples of theoretical formulations can be seen in the culture of the Kazakh people. «The twentieth century – a century of reports and information, extensive dissemination and communication. News spread to all corners of the planet for the day (and faster). The author emphasizes the most valuable (real capital) – information. East under the influence of «Westernization» and Europe – «Orientalism»!
Today humanity is to find ways of forming a new world order. For this purpose on the cultural and philosophical level required to create an effective sample of civilizational dialogue and interaction between the West and the East, Asia and Europe.From ancient times to the present day values such as humanism, tolerance, cooperation, inter-ethnic and spiritual harmony, stability, faith and democratic traditions of the people, freedom of expression rooted in Kazakhstan, and are the basis for future activities civilizational dialogue.
Key words: values , East-West, tradition, identity, culture and civilization.


How to Cite

Молдағалиев, Б. Е. (2015). The traditional values of the Kazakh people and innovation at the junction of civilization. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from