Confucius and Kant: the universality of the moral law


  • Н. Ж. Кудайбергенова Казахский национальный университет имени им. аль-Фараби
        143 60


Article is devoted to a comparative analysis of the basic principles of ethics of Confucius and Kant. Speaking of Confucianism as a whole, it can be noted that the doctrine of Confucius largely determined the basic parameters of development of Chinese philosophy. However , the researchers note that the philosophical teachings of Confucius had a profound impact on the development of ethical thought in China. In Western philosophical Immanuel Kant space is a significant figure , and they developed the doctrine of moral categorical imperative and autonomous morality as the basis for almost all subsequent attempts to build ethical models in the West. This article attempts to make a comparative analysis of Confucian and Kantian ethics from the perspective of comparative philosophy. The problem of «Confucius – Kant» has been developed and is being developed by Chinese scientists such philosophers as Moe Tszusan, Du Weiming, Feng Yulan and Li Minghui. Key words: kitaskaya philosophy, ethics, metaphysics adamgershіlіk morality, ethics of duty




How to Cite

Кудайбергенова, Н. Ж. (2018). Confucius and Kant: the universality of the moral law. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 48(3), 56–64. Retrieved from