Theatre semiotics: the creation of meaning in scenography in the Kazakh Drama Theatre


  • Қ. З. Халықов Т. Жүргенов атындағы Қазақ ұлттық өнер академиясы
        81 43


театр, семиотика, психоанализ, онтикалық болмыс, сценография, спектакль, мәдениеттану теориясы.


The problem of interpretation of the text in the theatre and stage design as semantic onset of plastic and visual arts. Provides a philosophical paradigm on the unconscious developed modern cultural reference to art. The author, considering the history of the theatre reform and qualitative changes, tries to semiotic analysis in Kazakh theatre. The article presents the «onto-Ince» psychologist and philosopher A.Manegetti, the theory of the unconscious French cultural studies as a possible understanding of contemporary theatre. In the methodology of understanding of artistic processes unconventional theater appear peculiar difficulties in perception established the essential concepts and categories in our society. Thus, there is a distinction between actuality and the study of these theories with global aesthetic features.
Key words: theater, semiotic, psychoanalysis, ontical being, set design, performance, cultural theories.


How to Cite

Халықов, Қ. З. (2015). Theatre semiotics: the creation of meaning in scenography in the Kazakh Drama Theatre. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from