Electoral and legal culture of student youth (On the example of oralmans)


  • А. А. Камалдинова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Г. К. Абдигалиева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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Increasing the level of electoral and legal culture of students. There are the following factors: education, university, media, Internet, authorities, family. In this case, the activity of the university (on the example of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi) is on the interest of authors, as one of the tools for the formation and enhancement of the electoral and legal culture of students – Oralman.
The formation of the electoral and legal culture of student youth is an integral component of the higher education system and is based on the awareness of culture as a process of creative and educational activities of the university. It is within the walls of the university and the student environment is formed a significant part of the political and civic socialization of the individual. In this case, the task of the educational system is clear: reaching a level where everyone would respect their rights by virtue of moral beliefs. To date, the university has a wide range of tools and ways to increase the involvement of young people in political processes. The most effective of them: the system of higher education, its social-educational activity and corporate media of the university.
Key words: electoral and legal culture, student youth, oralmans.


How to Cite

Камалдинова, А. А., & Абдигалиева, Г. К. (2018). Electoral and legal culture of student youth (On the example of oralmans). Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 60(2), 196–205. Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/532