Neopragmatism of Richard Rorty: some aspects of discourse of right


  • Д. А. Рыскулбекова Eurasian national university named after L. Gumilev
        55 113


This article is devoted to the theory of human rights, represented by American thinker and the founder of neopragmatism – Richard Rorty. Besides the fact that Richard Rorty is the most cited philosopher in the USA and also in Europe, the relevance of this article is dictated not only by the popularity of the American thinker’s texts, but also by the resonance of his ideas in the contemporary Western world community. The significance of this study lies in the analysis of the concepts of neopragmatism, as well as in the evaluation of the investments introduced by R. Rorty into the field of human rights. The methods used in the study: comparative analysis and narrative reconstruction. In the course of the work, the following concepts of Richard Rorty’s philosophy were analyzed: criticism of the epistemologization of the discourse of philosophy; an analysis of the basic principles of neopragmatism, in particular the theory of truth; solidarity and sympathy as the basic concepts of a culture of human rights. The practical significance of research consists in applying the methods of neopragmatism in solving the problems of race and gender discrimination. Also, the results of the work can be applied in teaching courses «American Philosophy» and «Philosophy of Politics».
Key words: Richard Rorty, neopragmatism, idiopathology, epistemology, analytic philosophy, theory of rightness, solitude.




How to Cite

Рыскулбекова, Д. А. (2018). Neopragmatism of Richard Rorty: some aspects of discourse of right. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 60(2), 69–77. Retrieved from