The role of the Hanafi tradition in the formation of Islamic identity (Kazakhstan context)
, Islamic identity, Abu Hanifa, the Hanafimadhhab, the Is¬lamic Ummah, Kazakh traditions, philosophy, religious faith, interconfessional consent, tolerance Hanafi tradition.Abstract
The article explains the meaning of Hanafi and its role in the development of a tolerant religious consciousness of Kazakh society. The authors analyze the experience of studying Hanafi in foreign research and sociological discourse. However, the authors emphasize the fact that a large number of studies on the dissemination ofHanafi dictated by the interests of preserving not only the religious identity, but also religious stability in those regions where this madhhab is prevalent. In this aspect of the disclosed value Hanafi in the formation of a tolerant religious consciousness - another important topic of modern scientific research. The article presents some sociological data associated with the study of the real value of Hanafi in Kazakhstan socio-cultural and political realities, the results of which we can conclude that the Hanafi factor in the country is considered a component of the Kazakh culture-spirituality, Islamic identity and a factor in the consolidation of society, and the Muslim Ummah.
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13 Tamzhe
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