Political and philosophical bases of the concept of the «virtuous ciyty» al-Farabi


  • П. М. Сулейменов Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • У. Д. Сандыкбаева Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        41 748


In this article, the author examines in detail from the scientific and theoretical point of view the political and philosophical foundations of the concept of the «virtuous city» al-Farabi. In the concept of al-Farabi «virtuous city». Is sues of politics, state, power and law are discussed from the point of view of political philosophy, this is the relevance of the article.
To study the political and philosophical foundations of the concept of al-Farabi “The virtuous city». is relevant in today’s building of a democratic society. The author used the comparative method of scientific theory in the study of the theoretical significance of the political and philosophical basis of the concept of the «virtuous city». al-Farabi. Besides, in the political and philosophical heritage of al-Farabi, such questions as freedom, honesty, questions about happiness, people’s mercy to each other, thoughts about studying sciences, development of conscientiousness and humanity have not lost their significance. Because, al-Farabi’s thoughts about power, social and ethical thoughts do not lose their significance in the development of today’s society.
Key words: the policy, power, state, philosophy, chapter, wisdom, humanity, full-fledged society, virtuous and trouble city, etc.


How to Cite

Сулейменов, П. М., & Сандыкбаева, У. Д. (2018). Political and philosophical bases of the concept of the «virtuous ciyty» al-Farabi. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 59(1), 105–112. Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/484