Methodical bases of productive logic: practical advice


  • Б. М. Аташ
  • Л. А. Аскар
        40 22


Productive logic, critical thinking, creative thinking, intelligence, thesis method formula.


The paper discusses the basic directions of creative thinking for those
young people who are seriously decided to engage in such a cognitive
construct, which is called science. Based on a specific template culture of
productive thinking, the authors provide practical recommendations for
their formation. On the basis of case studies opens up the scope of the
productive logic, which is essentially different from the formal and symbolic
logic in content, in which each entity engaged in scientific activity
develops the ability to think creatively about the real.


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How to Cite

Аташ, Б. М., & Аскар, Л. А. (2015). Methodical bases of productive logic: practical advice. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from