Problem of consciousness, unconscious and reflection in S. Freud’s concept


  • А. К. Абишева
        46 32


consciousness, unconscious, freedom, alienation, reflection, repression.


Inthe article author claims thought that the problem of a ratio of consciousness
and unconscious, investigated by S. Freud, has to be considered
in a foreshortening of social contradictions. Many,following from the
essence of the human being the aspirations of personality to his or her
freedom, development, manifestations and statements it as special individuality
in the conditions of social alienation, are exposed, on Freud’s
terminology, to repression. Individuals find illusory ways of permission of
the internal conflicts at their individual level.


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How to Cite

Абишева, А. К. (2015). Problem of consciousness, unconscious and reflection in S. Freud’s concept. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 51(2). Retrieved from