Humanism as social value
social value, value, humanism, bioethics, morals, a society.Abstract
In given article the humanism as the phenomenon, as social value is considered. The history and the basic approaches is resulted in understanding of humanism as wide welfare phenomenon. The humanism is ambiguous in the treatments, there is a set of definitions of humanism. The humanism, according to Paul Kurtz sights, itself includes a number of values which we rank as the social. The humanism history also is a subject of disputes, there is no standard chronology of development of humanism, it is important to understand that the humanism is not a brainchild only of the European culture. In certain degree humanism «products» are secular humanism (understood as «religious beliefs»), artificial languages (Esperanto). The separate attention is deserved by consideration of a problem of humanism in sphere of the biological. All it directly is connected already in turn with a problem of morals, bioethics. The author of article also considers the contribution of the Kazakhstan scientists to consideration of a problem of humanism. Importance of a social orientation of a modern humanistic paradigm in the Kazakhstan society is marked. The intelligent approach to its development taking into account world experience and own identity is necessary.
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