Humanism as social value


  • А. И. Ақберген
        147 55


social value, value, humanism, bioethics, morals, a society.


In given article the humanism as the phenomenon, as social value is considered. The history and the basic approaches is resulted in under­standing of humanism as wide welfare phenomenon. The humanism is ambiguous in the treatments, there is a set of definitions of humanism. The humanism, according to Paul Kurtz sights, itself includes a number of values which we rank as the social. The humanism history also is a subject of disputes, there is no standard chronology of development of human­ism, it is important to understand that the humanism is not a brainchild only of the European culture. In certain degree humanism «products» are secular humanism (understood as «religious beliefs»), artificial languages (Esperanto). The separate attention is deserved by consideration of a prob­lem of humanism in sphere of the biological. All it directly is connected al­ready in turn with a problem of morals, bioethics. The author of article also considers the contribution of the Kazakhstan scientists to consideration of a problem of humanism. Importance of a social orientation of a modern humanistic paradigm in the Kazakhstan society is marked. The intelligent approach to its development taking into account world experience and own identity is necessary.


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How to Cite

Ақберген, А. И. (2015). Humanism as social value. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from