Value Foundations of Globalization


  • Zamza Kodar НИИ социальных и гендерных исследований Казахского государственного женского педагогического университета, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
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ethnicity, nationality, gender, stratification.


The paper discusses the concept of «ethnicity» and various theories of ethnicity and ethnogenesis: naturalistic, socio-cultural, instrumentalist and constructivist concept. The author identifies two main types of interpreta­tion of the essence of the ethnos: 1) naturalistic and 2) socio-cultural, or historical-cultural. In the first, there are two directions: a) sociobiological and b) physical and geographical, which is represented by the teachings of L.N. Gumilev.

There are also many forms of social stratification, among which occu­pies a prominent place gender stratification. Gender inequality is secured and maintained by developed in this ethnic group norms, values, customs, traditions, taboos, behavioral, etc. Ethnic norms, values, customs, tradi­tions, taboos, etc. rooted in the distant, sometimes mythical past over the centuries as it ossify, becoming a sort of natural cultural standards. Follow­ing them turns into a kind of social instinct.

Interested in the study of the American anthropologist Margaret Mead developed its concept culturogical gender stratification. Discussed in the article and the interpretation of the phenomenon of the nation.


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How to Cite

Kodar, Z. (2015). Value Foundations of Globalization. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from