Socio-political views of Abu Nasr al-Farabi


  • П. М. Сулейменов
        267 59


the younger generation. Key words, Socio-political philosophy of Farabi, ethics, tracts, state, philosophy, motive, wisdom, humanity, saturated society, «virtuous» and «ignorant» city,


The study of socio-political views of al-Farabi acquires a greater rele­vance in contemporary context of increasing democratic reforms, creation of a legal and secular state, approval of harmony in society . In this respect, the study of political philosophy of al-Farabi , especially his teachings on politics, freedom, happiness, the necessity of mutual aid among people, his appeal to science, intellectual and moral perfection of man and society, overly updated.

Particularly relevant today is the concept of political leadership of thinker, his ideas about the virtuous society, justice, equality, preserving peace, preventing war, condemnation of unjust wars. In this regard, politi­cal philosophy and ideas of the thinker can be a valuable source for the political education of the younger generation.


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How to Cite

Сулейменов, П. М. (2015). Socio-political views of Abu Nasr al-Farabi. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from