Philosophical meaning of tradition


  • С. К. Ракимжанова Eurasian national university named after L. Gumilev
        125 62


This article deals with disclosure of tradition’s role and meaning in the development of person and personality, nation and ethnos, society and country, the whole humanity from a philosophical point of view. Traditional values which came from the generations, views, living type and experience of our nation, have a great concern to the people’s life. The concept of tradition is considered from the philosophical point of view as the main value that does not lose its value, being at all times spiritual wealth in the development of humanity and an integral part of the people’s life. Customs are the spiritual heritage of nationalities which will never be lost. Article shows that custom is the philosophical concept which takes the main significance in nation’s development. Accordingly, it considers philosophical task of tradition.
Key words: philosophy, world outlook, tradition, custom, existence, value, person, humaneness, nation.




How to Cite

Ракимжанова, С. К. (2018). Philosophical meaning of tradition. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 61(3), 49–57. Retrieved from