The Struggle of the Kazakh Educators Against Religious Expansion of the Tsarist State


  • Қ. М. Борбасова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • Ш. С. Рысбекова Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А. Доскеев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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The article reveals how Russian Imperial power during the establishment of their rule in its activities widely used in missionary work from an advantageous position for the government.
Missionary work was conducted in two areas: political and ideological. Russification and Christianization were the main policies of Tsarist Russia. Also in this article we consider a great contribution to the struggle against colonization of the Kazakh educators such asShokhan,Abai, Ybyray. Analyzing the works of three great Kazakh educators along with their great contribution to the spiritual development of the Kazakh steppe, showing their achievements as public figures.
Key words: Kazakh Educators, The Policy of Colonization, Missionary, baptizing, Public Figure.


How to Cite

Борбасова, Қ. М., Рысбекова, Ш. С., & Доскеев, А. (2018). The Struggle of the Kazakh Educators Against Religious Expansion of the Tsarist State. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 129–138. Retrieved from