Influence of al-Farabi’s ideas to the European and Islamic medieval philosophy development


  • Ж А Алтаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • А М Калмырзаев Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
        66 53


In the present article considered about a comprehensive account of al-Farabi contribution to logic, political theory, metaphysics and music, and his role as a major link in the transmission of Greek philosophy to the Arabs and his impact on subsequent philosophers, in both the Muslim world and the Latin West. The article is about the role of Abu Nasr Al – Farabi in world philosophies and in science stories, and about his influences on the subsequent generation of the Arab and European philosophers.And his new ideas and achievements in the sphere of mathematics and geography are also considered. Exact data from works of foreign and domestic scientists on a contribution of Farabi on development of a world intellectual thought are provided in article.
Key words: al-Farabi, Medieval philosophy, Islamic religious scholars, logic, music, ethics,neoplatonism, political philosophy.


How to Cite

Алтаев, Ж. А., & Калмырзаев, А. М. (2018). Influence of al-Farabi’s ideas to the European and Islamic medieval philosophy development. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 57(3), 5–10. Retrieved from