International agreements in resolving problems of transboundary rivers and its role for the states of Central Asia


  • Е. Ө. Садибеков
        30 77


International water law, transboundary rivers, convention, Central Asia.


This article analyzes the International Water Convention, which solved
many contentious issues in international water conflicts. Also, based on
article outlines the history of the formation within the major international
conventions, such as «Helsinki rules using waters of international rivers»,
«Convention on the law of the non-navigational uses of International watercourses
», «Convention on the protection and use of transboundary watercourses
and international lakes», «Convention on Environmental Impact
Assessment in a Transboundary Context. «Determines the leading role of
international water law as the main governing water relations between
states at a given time. As part of the article the retrospective analysis, given
the set of factor descriptives and examples on how to develop international
water law, as well as what policies adhere to the country in resolving
transboundary water problems and conflicts.




How to Cite

Садибеков, Е. Ө. (2015). International agreements in resolving problems of transboundary rivers and its role for the states of Central Asia. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from