The philosophical approach to the study of the processes of integration in the context of the concept of «Single»


  • Г. Темиртон
        32 29


integration, culture, state-society, society-individual, val¬ued bases, unity of the world.


From the standpoint of «restoration» of all human beings and cultures the historical and philosophical questions of socio-cultural integration are considered. With regard to the description of regularities of historical de­velopment a dialectical relationship of processes of integration and differ­entiation that allows to combine socio-cultural and philosophical-anthro­pological views on the ontological essence of the philosophical concept of «single» as a predicate of existence are revealed.


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How to Cite

Темиртон, Г. (2015). The philosophical approach to the study of the processes of integration in the context of the concept of «Single». Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 52(3). Retrieved from