Al-Farabi's ideals and intercultural competence


  • Г. Х. Мямешева
        29 56


a virtuous city, culture of peace, East, West, North, South, intercultural competence, transmodern, systemic phenomenology.


Al-Farabi's doctrine about virtuous city, virtuous people, virtuous land has much in common with the modern ideals of a culture of peace.Public life can be turned on a reasonable basis. The fundamental values of culture world- human community built on friendship and love, tolerance (toler­ance, acceptance and respect for Others), respect for the rights of another (human rights), the establishment of the rule of law and civil society. Dis­courses of the East, West, North and South - is not only independent au­tonomous archetypes and associated structures in a philosophical dialogue and intercultural communication.


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How to Cite

Мямешева, Г. Х. (2015). Al-Farabi’s ideals and intercultural competence. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 52(3). Retrieved from