Human Capital in projection of educational Reforms


  • Т. Ю. Лифанова
  • А. В. Веревкин
        19 21


human capital, knowledge economy, information society, the quality of education, education throughout life.


This article discusses some issues of formation and reproduction of «human capital» as the most important strategic resource for society. Under current conditions of fundamental importance in the reproduction of the human capital is owned by the education system, which in turn is in the process of continuous transformation. Thus, the concept of human capital is expanding beyond pure economic theory and acquires new content in line with the trends of social development.

Appeal to the socio-philosophical analysis of human capital relevant in terms of active inclusion of Kazakhstan into European educational inte­gration. It is important to note that one of the parameters of the Bologna Process is the practice of providing and evaluating the quality of education being implemented at national and international level. It is noted that in many countries the procedure of external quality assurance, previously fo­cused on items such as teaching, internal quality assurance and control sys­tems, research and student support services, should be in the present and the future to devote considerable attention to learning throughout life and opportunities employment of students in the professional labor market.


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How to Cite

Лифанова, Т. Ю., & Веревкин, А. В. (2015). Human Capital in projection of educational Reforms. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 52(3). Retrieved from