«Nurly Jol» and national policy


  • С. Ш. Мұсатаев
        32 51


ethnic policies, state, national interest, nation, diaspora, «Nurly Jol» Elbasy, democracy, social harmony, political stability, the fate of the nation.


In the article the political analysis of concepts such as nationality, ethnicity,
nation, ethnic group, diaspora, nationality, as well as the different
concepts of ethno-political community and national interests. The importance
of national unity in achieving the goals and targets set out in the
letter Elbasy NA Nazarbayev «Nurly Jol – way of the future.» Social cohesion
and political stability in Kazakhstan is considered as the main factors
of development. The paper is also proved by the fact that the conversion
of the people of the country into a single ethno-political community and
national actions are zologom successful implementation of strategic plans
and the protection of national interests.


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How to Cite

Мұсатаев, С. Ш. (2015). «Nurly Jol» and national policy. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/20