J. Dosmukhamedov role in the conduct of the Congress of Kazakhs region Oral


  • С. Ш. Мұсатаев
  • А. Балкеев
        27 54


Zhaһansha Dosmukhamedov, Congress of Kazakhs region Oral, state, national interest, Alash, autonomy.


The article analyzes the political point of view with Zhaһanshy Dosmukhamedov
role in the conduct of the Congress of Kazakhs Oralskoy
area, his public activities, as well as political views based on historical
data. J. Dosmukhamedov known as the leader of Western Alashorda, but
with political point of view political activity as J. Dosmukhamedov chairman
of the Congress of Kazakhs Oral area is still not widely appreciated,
its role in the congress and organizations insufficiently investigated. The
article discusses his work, the idea of preserving the national identity, the
future structure of the state, the importance of creating an autonomous
democratic republic within the federation.


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How to Cite

Мұсатаев, С. Ш., & Балкеев, А. (2015). J. Dosmukhamedov role in the conduct of the Congress of Kazakhs region Oral. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from https://bulletin-philospolit.kaznu.kz/index.php/1-pol/article/view/19