Theoretical-methodological bases of international negotiation


  • А. А. Кеңесов
        66 199


international negotiation, function, method, theory, classification.


This article dedicated to the analyses of theoretical and methodological
bases of international negotiation. World outlook and methodological
bases of international negotiation consists the complex of philosophic and
general theoretical ideas about negotiation. Ideas of politics accumulates
in the analyses, approaches and orientations of international political cognition.
In modern international negotiation exists various methodological
concepts of analyses of international negotiation process. One of the
branches of aforementioned science are theoretical and methodological
basis which helps to form international negotiations as a study or subject
and methods of searching which view international negotiations as a goal
of science. This article says about the important and urgent role of international
negotiations in the field of world politics. The methodology of
international negotiations consists of several stages of formation. Thoughts
and hypotheses of scholars concerning the theoretical and methodological
basis of international negotiations are significant. Methods of understanding
of American, European and Russian scholars helped to find out political
reality through the international negotiations.


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How to Cite

Кеңесов, А. А. (2015). Theoretical-methodological bases of international negotiation. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 50(1). Retrieved from