Sal series culture in Aktubin region (About the creative biography of Sarah Batakula)


  • Azi A. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University

        139 165


This article is devoted to the scientific understanding of what a significant contribution the legacy
of the so-called “Sal-seri” phenomenon has made to Kazakh literature and culture of the last century. At
the beginning of the twentieth century, the Alash intelligentsia was gaining momentum everywhere. The
influence of the Alash intelligentsia has dramatically changed the political, social situation and culture
of the Kazakh people. The names of some of those who influenced the movement from afar still remain
unknown. The anti-colonial protest became the basis of their actions. In fact, the great figures of Kazakh
culture, who showed their will in all areas of the national liberation movement and Kazakh culture,
obeyed the unwritten noble laws of the steppe and were engaged at the same time in large-scale economic
affairs. Some of them were famous handymen. They were called “sal-serials”. “Along with poetism,
the Sal-Serians have singers, kuyshi, composers, dancers, athletes” (E. Ismayilov) and, in addition,
they possessed such qualities as political governance, passion for horses, reaching a high level of mastery
of this skill. In general, most of the Kazakh folk singers-composers were not devoid of the sal-serial character.
Without superfluous guile, the nomadic music of the steppe can be said as a steppe scene, where
the art of entertainment and the art market were developed at various mass fairs. The article develops
the idea that it is necessary to fully disclose the variety of personalities who would delight the people
with their art, as before the craftsmen could distract the attention of nomads with their music, entertain
people with their skills in places of concentration and at fairs. The article examines the creative biography
of Sari Batakula, who was awarded the national honor for his individual art along with such creative
thinkers and figures as Imanjusup, Madi and Kanapiya, and who was revered for his special character,
heroism. The purpose of the article is to revive the noble heritage of this singer and author, which in its
time contributed to the flourishing of the culture of the Great Steppe.
Key words: sal, series, Sarah, craftsman, culture.


How to Cite

A., A. (2020). Sal series culture in Aktubin region (About the creative biography of Sarah Batakula). Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 73(3), 34–41.