Kaygy – is not a tragedy, it is primarily an ability to think


  • R. Kemerbay L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


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In the Kazakh history there is more than once a situation when eminent personalities put the integrity of the nation, a bright future, the unity of the native land and the fate of the people above their own. A significant place in the development of Kazakh philosophy is Asan-kaygy – the founder of philosophical tales.
The tales of Asana-kaygy contain extensive information about the spiritual worldview, culture, history and geography of that period. His zhyrau are devoted to acute issues of the present, which the author proposes to discuss. Zhyrau, being a source of justice, had power over the khans and their subjects. The views of Asana-kaygy formed the essence of the philosophy of that era, and his work was filled with anxiety for the future of the people.
The article is devoted to the study of the heritage of Asan-kaigy (XV century), based on its own deep philosophical views of zhyrau, as well as on the national worldview, which has tended to freedom of the Kazakh people. The article analyzes such concepts as «Zhergyyk», «Zaman», «Kaygy», and traces their interconnection with the modern achievements of Kazakhstan.
Zhyrlau Asan-Kaygy actually became the basis of the outlook of the Kazakh people, its spiritual core and a certain guideline for gaining independence.
Key words: Asan Kaygy, Kily zamy, Kazakh philosophy, Zheruik, Mangilik El, Kazakh Country.


How to Cite

Kemerbay, R. (2019). Kaygy – is not a tragedy, it is primarily an ability to think. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 68(2), 65–74. https://doi.org/10.26577/jpcp.2019.v68.i2.07