Исфиджаб ғалымдарының ислам мәдениеті мен ғылымының дамуына қосқан үлесі
Scientists living in what is now Kazakhstan have made a significant contribution to the development
of the Hanafi school fiqh in Central Asia. In particular, these are world-famous scientists from
Taraz, Farab, Isfidzhab, Syganak and other cities. Each of them wrote valuable works in various fields of
science. This article tells about the life, scientific achievements, labor, religious and government positions
of medieval Islamic scholar of Kazakhstan, Ahmad ibn Mansour Al-Isfidzhabi and about other
isfidzhabic scientists and their biographies along with classification. The name and number of works of
Ahmad ibn Mansour al-Isfidzhabi are specified considering historical and biographical works. Details are
provided about how much of his works still in the form of manuscripts and in which libraries they are
stored. Considering the fact that Ahmad ibn Mansour al-Isfidzhabi lived in the era of the Karakhanids,
his relations with the Karakhan rulers and about the religious and political situations at that time are also
discussed. The importance of works of Ahmad ibn Mansour al-Isfidzhabi, his place in the Hanafi school,
is confirmed by comparative and analytical methods. At the same time, the possibility of using scientist’s
work as basis of the Kazakh school of Islamic сultural studies and introduction into scientific circulation
will be discussed.
Key words: Culture, law, rule, biography, manuscript.