The relationship of the human will and destiny


  • М. А. Джекебаева
  • Н. К. Дюсенова
  • С Д Турсунбаева
        54 28


will, destiny, duty, Ihtiyar, iztirari, predestination.


Thinkers of all times in different ways considered the problem of hu­man will and predestination, and the question arises whether or not a per­son is free in his actions and it all depends on his fate.

In this paper system is considered a problem of human will and des­tiny, the relationship of the two categories in the worldview of the Islamic currents - Kadar. Qadariyah believes that man is free in his actions, and his actions does not depend on the fate and Dzhabarity assume that every­thing that happens around on the will of God and man must obey them.

The purpose of this paper reveal outlook and views on the problem of will and predestination.


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How to Cite

Джекебаева, М. А., Дюсенова, Н. К., & Турсунбаева, С. Д. (2015). The relationship of the human will and destiny. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 53(4). Retrieved from