The role of national spiritual heritage in the formation of haman capital


  • Г. З. Абдрасилова
  • Ә. Н. Бұхаев
        46 33


world view, higher education, human capital, innovative technologies, tehnologic cultural heritage, information society.


The article analyzes the main aspects of the socio-cultural problems of modern higher education, in particular, the problem of forming a holistic world view among students in the eclectic world of pluralism and inte­gration of IT. The article in Kazakhstani educational, cultural, social and spiritual problems in a context of "human capital" of the main aspects ana­lyzed. The authors of the article in the world dreamed of innovative tech­nologies for the formation of a single world view of young students that priority attention is given to the formation of human capital. Capitalization of human potential - a key factor in the importance of the information soci­ety. Sufficient investment in this sector has become a priority in any of the nation's economy. After all, the ultimate goal - people were financed more revenue than the original, is the ability of self-growth. The authors of the article, the value for the process of national philosophical heritage plays a key role in formulating.


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How to Cite

Абдрасилова, Г. З., & Бұхаев, Ә. Н. (2015). The role of national spiritual heritage in the formation of haman capital. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 53(4). Retrieved from