The role of national spiritual heritage in the formation of haman capital
world view, higher education, human capital, innovative technologies, tehnologic cultural heritage, information society.Abstract
The article analyzes the main aspects of the socio-cultural problems of modern higher education, in particular, the problem of forming a holistic world view among students in the eclectic world of pluralism and integration of IT. The article in Kazakhstani educational, cultural, social and spiritual problems in a context of "human capital" of the main aspects analyzed. The authors of the article in the world dreamed of innovative technologies for the formation of a single world view of young students that priority attention is given to the formation of human capital. Capitalization of human potential - a key factor in the importance of the information society. Sufficient investment in this sector has become a priority in any of the nation's economy. After all, the ultimate goal - people were financed more revenue than the original, is the ability of self-growth. The authors of the article, the value for the process of national philosophical heritage plays a key role in formulating.
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