Reflection on Islamic philosophical-methodological approaches through the metaphor of depth-similarity


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The article reflects on Islamic methodological traditions in terms of the metaphor of depth-similarity in order to understand the existence of simultaneously existing and sometimes divergent methodological approaches and to realise the impossibility and even the danger of reducing them to a single methodological algorithm, which can not only significantly narrow the epistemological framework of theological research, but can also lead to a halt in theological thought itself.  In the beginning. Then an attempt is made to reflect on Islamic methodology in terms of the metaphor of depth-similarity proposed by the founders of the metamodern concept to reveal various forms of depth of comprehension of being. Using the metaphorical concept of depth we correlate Islamic methodological approaches with different types of swimming, which allowed us to trace the transformation of ontological foundations in different methodological traditions, as well as epistemological strategies that affect not only the specificity of theological methodology, but also the worldview of the theologian as a whole.

Key words: Islamic methodological traditions, conservatism, Islamic modernism and neo-modernism, metamodernity, depth-similarity.

Author Biography

Т.Е Sedankina, Russian Islamic Institute, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, Kazan

Tatyana Ev. Sedankina, Cand. Sci. (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Systematic Theology of Russian Islamic Institute (Russian Federation, Kazan, e-mail:


How to Cite

Sedankina Т. (2024). Reflection on Islamic philosophical-methodological approaches through the metaphor of depth-similarity. Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Political Science, 90(4), 4–14.